Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wooly nightshade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wooly nightshade - Essay Example This report looks at the woolly nightshade, its characteristics and its prevalence in New Zealand, as well as ways of controlling it through the introduction of lace bugs. Furthermore, the lace bug is described and the characteristics, which make it the best option for biologically controlling and eventually eradicating the woolly nightshade, are discussed. Moreover, the application process to have lace bugs imported and released into the New Zealand ecosystem are described in some detail as well as the decision to have them imported and released. Finally, the consequences of the release of these bugs into the environment are discussed and their impact on the eradication of the woolly nightshade is analysed. Pests are not only tiny animals such as insects but also plants that grow naturally wherever the conditions are favourable, and that harm or hinder the growth of other plants in the surrounding environment. Woolly nightshade, or Solanum mauritianum, is an example of a pest plant; it is also known as the kerosene plant, tobacco weed, or the flannel weed. It originated from Brazil and Uruguay, and was brought to New Zealand as a garden plant in 1883 after which it was soon noted growing wild near Auckland. It has various distinctive features that set it apart from other plants, as it has five purple petal flowers that grow at the end of the branches, large oval-shaped leaves that are grey and green in colour. In addition, it produces a strong kerosene smell whenever the leaves are crushed and has the ability to flower throughout the year, producing berries during late spring and summer ââ¬â they are first green and then turn to yellow when ripe (Ramel, 2012). Because of its fast g rowth, the woolly nightshade usually tends to grow taller than most plants in its surroundings (up to 30 metres tall) to become the dominant plant, so it can cover a very vast region within a relatively short period. This pest plant is common in northern New Zealand in the regions of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human resource management - Essay Example She called attention to psychology as a measure to improve not only productivity, but also the welfare of the workers. Through this, she was able to advance the humanistic side of Psychology and its application to the industry. Among the key domains where HRM is oftentimes applied and executed are Performance Management, Motivation and Leadership. In these domains, HRM is able to exercise its goal of developing people skills and helping them work efficiently in order to improve organizational productivity. In the area of Performance Management, HRM strategically develops and improves performance through policies that emphasize customer needs and service quality through systematic monitoring, evaluation, rewarding, and instilling a sense of accountability among individuals and teams. In Motivation, HRM helps in identifying concrete steps to determine the primary motivators of the workers and to provide these motivators to ensure optimum performance of duties. Paul J. Meyer is known to have identified five warning signs for waning motivation, and he subsequently formed a 5-point plan to correct motivational problems and to help in maintaining its momentum. Finally, in Leadership, HRM helps leaders develop pr oper communication within and beyond the organization, establish an aware and responsive culture among its members, and promote high standards through setting examples (Gibbs, 2000). HRM goals should be in line with organizational goals, yet it should keep up with the needs of the individual workers and the constantly changing environment of the workforce, in response to the changing supply and demand. HRM models serve to outline the relationship of the essential elements needed to provide effective HRM, at least to grant concrete structure all throughout the face of continuing changes, and to guarantee that the basic aspects are being met. The traditional HRM Model by M. Hanada Keio involves a four-way system of grading ââ¬â through rewards,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay
The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay Bullying can lead suicide and death, According to Centers for Disease Control suicide is caused death number three in adolescent. Study by Yale University (2008) adolescent that became victim of bullying 2 to 9 times more likely concider to suicide. Suicide case related bullying must be prevent, this situation contrary with the reality that even bullying occurs in school, but sometimes people does not aware or just think that as naughtiness of the children. From CDC (2011) prevelance of student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, study by Owusu et al. (2011) found that 40.1% of the total sample student being bullied and likely significant have negative psycological health than students who do not become bullied. Study by Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman (2009) show that nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience of bullying when they at school and this study also found that those who had been bullied significantly poorer mental and psychological health. Acording data from Global School Health Survey (GSHS) of WHO, 2007 prevalence of bullying in Indonesia is 49 %, Thailand 27,8% in 2008 and Filiphina 35.7% student in 2004. Moreover with a population of adolescents are 1,2 billion in worldwide which is 18-25% adolescent in Asia (WHO,2010) and there are 3,6 million adolescent or 18 % of the total population in Indonesia (National office of Statistic,2010) if we did not immediatly addres this problem, the future of the adolescent will be dangerous. The studies show evidenced that bullying is very dangerous for the future of students as it could cause depression or even suicide. In 2010, Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig found that school children who have been bullied felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullied, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression. Study by Owusu, Hart,Oliver and Kang, (2011) also found that victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried that affect sleep and loneliness. Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors (Kim, Koh,Laventhal, 2005). In 2010, Patchin and Hinduja found that Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying and also study by Schneider, ODonnell , Stueve and Coulter (2012) found that victim of bullying report low school performance and school attachment, psychological distress was highest among victim of bullying. Study about the intervention also have been conduct to overcome bullying. Blosnich and Bossarte (2011) found that having adults and staff that supervising hallways was associated with 26% decrease of peer victimization. The impat of the Olweus prevention ptogram study by Bowllan (2011) found that teacher statistically significant improvements in their capacity to identify bullying, talk to students who bully and talk with them. Study by Boulton, Bishop, Baxandall, et al. (2007) found that a majority of participant want that peer counselling as problem solving related bullying. Also study by Li, Washburn, Dubois, (2011) found that student who involved with Positive Action Program have 37% fewer violence behaviors and 41% fewer bullying behavior. The intervention program did not effective if we did not understand the bullying as problem. Topic in this study about bullying in adolescent, this topic will be help us to undestand bullying as problem. To support this topic and to identify the gap of knowledge in the community, about 25 articles that related with this topic has been colected. The articles that used were publish in 2004-2012 at the data base at Ebsco Host and Science Direct. This paper will help student to gain more knowlegde, support the idea about the bullyingin adolescent and will help to conducting the tesis in the future. In order to make a better understanding about the content of the paper. This paper will summarize the article from the definition of the phenomena, the objective, design, sample and the result of the study. And finnaly will expalin about gap of knowledge and how to fulfill the gap as the tesis plan. Summarizing Result Definition of phenomena 1. Bullying Definition of Bullying is repeated intentional infliction of injury or discomfort (physical or nonphysical) on another person over time in an imbalanced relationship (Olweus,1994). In addition to physical and nonphysical forms, bullying can also be categorized as direct or indirect, Direct bullying includes threatening, stealing, hitting, and verbal abuse, whereas indirect bullying involves social isolation, spreading rumors, and ignoring ( Van der Wal MF, de Wit CAM, Hirasing RA, 2003). Bullying as a type of interpersonal violence in which there is a power imbalance between victim and bully, typically characterized by repeated aggressive verbal and/or physical behavior with intent to harm or disturb the victim (Nansel et al., 2001; Olweus, 1993, 1994). According of Royal College of Psychiatricts (2006) Bullying is a form of aggresion that can be hurtful manner such as hit or punch other,kick or trip other up, take or spoil other things, call other names, tease other, give other nasty looks, threaten other, make nasty rumours or story about other, spread nasty rumours or stories about other, not let them join in play or games and not talk to them. The operational definition of Bullying is agression behavior that hurtful manner in direct (threatening, hitting, puch other) and indirect (verbal abuse, teasing, give other nasty looks, and make nasty rumours abot ather) with effect to physical dan phycological health which done by other people with more power in some periode of time. 2. Adolescent The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) defines adolescents as being between the ages of 10 and 19 this definition same with World Helath Organization (WHO) about adolescent. according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Adolescents divided into three stages early adolescent (11-13 year of age), middle adolescent (14-18 year of age) and late Adolescent (19-24 year of age). According to United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) in 2005, The stages of adolescence can be separated into three: early (10-13 years of age), middle (14-16), and late (17-19). In early adolescence, physical changes include physical and sexual maturation. These changes continue through middle adolescence into the late stage, adolescents are thought to be less concerned with their body image than they are during early adolescence. Cognitively, adolescents in the early stage develop concrete thinking abilities, while in middle and late adolescence, the young person moves to thinking abstractly and can develop reasoning skills. Emotionally, adolescents in the early stage are beginning to explore decision-making opportunities, while in the middle stage, they begin to develop a sense of identity, established more fully in late adolescence. Socially, during this stage, peers become a bigger influence and sexual interest usually begins. During the middle stage of adolescence, peers continue to hold influence, and sexual interest develops further. Finally, in the late stage, transitions to work and further schooling take place. Overall, The operational definition of the adolescent is young people that age around 10-19 years old. Objective of the study The most objectieve of the previous studies was the assosiation bullying with psychological distress(Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005), Risk factor of bullying (CDC,2011; Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007), Psycological adjustment (Wei and Williams,2009; Owusu,Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011), School safety (Blosnich and Bossarte,2011), Psychosocial environment (Meyer-Adam and Conner,2008), Depression (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009), Self esteem ( Patchin and Hinduja, 2010), Preception about bullying (Frisen,Jonsson and Persson, 2007; Juvonen and Gross, 2008), Program intervention (Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Health quality of life (Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman, 2009), Suicide (Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005) and also to examine the prevalence of bullying such as study by Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.(2012) . The other objective was to explore the bullying experience (Kvarme,Helseth , and Natvig, 2010; Willis and Griffith , 2010), Peer councelling (Boulton, Trueman and Bishop, 2007) and perspective of bullying (Brown, Birch and Kancherla, 2005). Design Most of the article using quantitative design for their study which is Cross sectional studies (Wei and William, 2009;,Owusu, Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011;Hensershot, Dake, Price and Lartey, 2006; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005; Fitzpatric, Dulin and Piko,2007; Juvenen and Gross, 2008; Patchin and Hinduja,2010), and Retrospective studies (Meyer-Adams and Conner,2008; Allison, Roeger, and Reinfeld Kirkman,2009; Brown, Brich and Kancherla,2005; Bond, Wolf, Tollit, Butler and Patton,2007; Chapell,Hasselman, Kitchin et all.,2008;Gukin and Lewis,2006). The rest of the article use descriptive study (Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012), , Quasi experimental (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010 Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Randomised Control Trial (Li, Washburn, Dubois et all.,2011) and the qualitative study that use explorative design ( Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig, 2010 Willis and Griffith, 2010) and phenomenological (Boulton, Truemen, Bishop et all.,2007 Frisen, Jonsson and Perddon, 2007). Sample /participant Most of sample that use in that studies were students and only one study that use nurse as sample (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). Range of the sample size was from 11 (Willis Griffith, 2010) to 20,406 (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). The type of sampling that most use in 25 articles was random sampling (Hendershot, Dake et all.,2006; Patchin and Hinduja,2010; Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld,2009; Guckin and Lewis,2006) and the other use purpose sampling, clustered sampling and total sampling with survey and the rest of the article did not explain about the method that use to take sample. Most of the studie were conduct in America and Europe from 25 articles only 2 studies that conduct in Asia which is in Taiwan by Wei and Williams (2009) and in Korean by Kim, Koh and Levental (2005) . The age of the sample size that use in was student in middle school and high school or both of them example study by Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S., (2012) sample was use student in grade nine-twelfth. Instrument Most of the instruments that used in the previous studies are different. Only study by Owunsu, Hart, Oliver et all.(2011) and study by Flemming Jocebsen (2009) are same used Global School Based Health Survey (GSHS). This instrument develop by WHO and conducted among students aged 13-15. This instrument used to identify health behavior and protective factor among student aged 13-15. This instrument did not specific to identy bullying but there are some content about bullying in GSHS. The instrument that specific to identify bullying was Olweus Questionnaire in this instrument identify of bullying about exposure to various physical,verbal, indirect, racial, and sexual forms of bullying/ harassment, how students bully others, where bullying occurs, pro-bully and pro-victim attitudes, and the extent to which the social environment that used in study by Bowllan and Nancy (2011). The other instrument to identify bullying was Gatehouse Bullying Scale (GBS) whis is in good to moderate test- retest reability (rho 0.65) that used in study by Bond, Wolfe, Tollit et all.(2007). Study by Undheim and Sunud (2010) was to asses prevalence of beeing bullied and behaving aggresively toward other and the psychosocial characteristics of exposed student, so they used the Mood and Feeling Questionnaire to identify psychosocial characteristic of students. The other instrument that used were Beck Depression, Rosenberg self esteem and ect. Main result Study by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), shown that student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, and ussualy Bully victims were more likely to report violent family encounters than bullies and bullies were more likely to report such encounters than victims. the prevelance of cyberbullying and school bullying was 15.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 25.9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months with a majority of cyberbullying were also school bulying and then Victimization was higher among nonheterosexually youth. The Victims report low school performance and school attachment. Psychological distress was highest among victims of both cyberbullying and school bulying. (Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S.,2012). The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). When bullied, almost half said they fight back, about a fourth tell an adult, and 20% do nothing; only 8% try to talk to the bully. Nearly two thirds claimed they tell or try to stop bullying when they see it, but 16% do nothing, and 20% join in. Frequent bullies were more likely to think it is cool, to fight back when bullied, and to join in when others are bullied. Two classes of victims were apparent. Victims who also bully often said that bullying occurs because others are not friendly to bullies or because bullies want to get their way, many also admitted that they do not know how it can be stopped. Victims who do not bully were most likely to do nothing when bullied but to try to stop th e bullying of others. (Brown SL, Birch DA, Kancherla V., 2005). Data from Northern Ireland the incidence of victimization within the peer group of respondents was very high in comparison not only to previous. The report 59.2% of the respondents said that schools were proactive in bullying and did have an official policy in place and one quarter of respondents and victims who would approach the teacher and also 50.4% of all respondents believed that their school provided real help for victims. (Guckin CM, Lewis CA.,2006). Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and They wanted the bullying to be recognized, assistance from the staff to stop the bullying, and to be included by their peers and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover, study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months. In female students, all 3 school bullying groups had increased suicidal ideation for the previous 2 weeks but not in male students. (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying (Patchin JW; Hinduja S., 2010). Students who reported being bullied in the past month were more likely than nonbullied students to report symptoms of depression. A higher number of days of being bullied in the past moth was associated with a statitcally significant increase in reported rate of sadness and hopelessness. (Fleming LC, Jacobsen KH. 2009). Conceptual framework Most of the study did not use conceptual framework, some of the study use the conceptual framework example study by Kvarme, Helseth, Seteran and Natvig, (2010), used Quality of Live (QOL) and Solutions Focus approach and famework and also study by Wei and Williams, 2009 use The information Processing Model as a framework.. Limitation The article that review have some limitation in some study data sorce use self-reported single item such as study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012), CDC(2011), Undheim Sund (2010), Hendershot, Dake, Price et all (2006), Boulton,Trueman, Bishop et all( 2007), Juvenen and Gross(2008), self-report of negative behaviours was used as a basis for outcome measures in study by Brown, Birch and Kancherla(2005) and self report as subject to recall and social desirability bias, but some study use multiple source, cause discrepancy between measure (Wei and Williams, 2009). In the content of study did not explore contextual influences on the behaviors and the complex role that bystanders student and parents and adults in the community study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012) , The sample size that use only small sample (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The sample was limited to school nurses who were member of NASN (Hendershot, Dake, Price et all,2006), Knowledge about theoretical framework to analysis and interpretation data of school nurses and researchers are limited. Use cross sectional study and causality cannot be implied (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The result cannot be generalized to similar age out of school adolescents (Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011; Undheim Sund, 2010; Willish Griffith, 2010;Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007; Frizen, Jonsson and Persson,2007, Meyer-Adam Conner, 2008, Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd, and Marttunen, 2010; Patchin Hinduja, 2010; Bowllan Nancy, 2011; Li, Washburn , Dubois et all., 2011) with only one moderatly size city and participant restricted age range, None of the questions used in the analysis assessed the source of bullying, since there no item in the survey(Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011),The questionnaire must be more specific (Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011; Kim, Koh and Leventhal, 2005; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009) and the length of the survey are limited (Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009). Gap of the Knowledge The article that have been review can be categorize become three part. Article that shown the prevalence of bullying or phenomena of bullying. The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). Article that shown the effect of bullying. Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months . (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Article that shown about the intervention that can be solution to bullying. The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). The review from the article found that most of the studies conduct in the America and Europe and only two studies that conduct in Asia. Hence, the study about bullying must be improved in Asia especially in Indonesia which is have large population and did not have specific program about bullying. Bullying that have been study most of them shown the high of prevelance of the bullying, eventhough the prevelance of bullying high but we can see this as real situation condition because the sample that used was only one group of the students so the result of the study can not be generalize. Moreover the adolescent that have been categorie as the stage developmental, so to realy know about phenomena of bullying and prevalence of bullying in adolescent study about bullying in three stage of developmental in adolescent must be conduct in the future. Understand the effect of bullying and the urgention of this problem, prevention program and intervetion program to decrese prevelence of bullying must be done. But the problem is the program will be fail if we give the program in the wrong student. So identify the student that can be victim of the bullying will be help to prevent the bullying. What the determinats of personal factors that related to victim of bullying and the association bullying with self esteem which is part of self concept . Who the victim ? Effect of bullying Bullying Intervention of bullying How to fullfill the gap The gap of knowledge that we found can become reseach question. The reseach question that we found were who the victim of bullying?, how the bullying in indonesia and how the relationship between bullying and self esteem? Reseach question must be answered with study in the future. To answer the reseach question the purpose of the study must be setting. From reseach question in above, the objective of the study are : The prevalency of bullying in indonesia To examine the determinants of personal factors that related to bully victim The association bullying with self esteem. Instrument The instrument that used to answer the reseach questian are : The Olweus bully/ victim questionnaire The Rosenberg scale of self esteem The reseach design of this study are cross sectional with regression. Sample The sample that used are student from the 10-19 years old. With type of sample are stratified sampling. The conceptual framework In this study will use conceptual frame work of the developmental of adolescent and the concept of self esteem
Friday, October 25, 2019
Memory - Our Version of History :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Memory - Our Version of History How the memory works in the human mind continues to fascinate those who look. It has the ability to take in everything that our senses can give to it, store all of that information, and then recall both recent and past recollections upon our request. Patricia Hampl discovers in her own personal recollection "an unsettling disbelief about the reliability of memory, a hunch that memory is not, after all, just memory" (131). Psychiatrists, psychologists, and writers continue to study the mystery in the relationship between the mind and the memory: the objective past, the invention of our own version of history, and the symbolism in personal memories with respect to self-reflection. Hampl reflects to discover she invents in her memoir of the piano lesson. Returning thirty years later to a special place in his memory, Stephen Jay Gould "had conflated the most prominent symbol of my old neighborhood, the tennis stadium, with an important personal place" (116). I can see how this happens when a person sometimes adds a little color or excitement in retelling a story to keep the attention of the audience in everyday life. But these accomplished authors are writing memoirs, not fiction, and their memories are still partial untruths. Could my written memories contain untruths as their written memories do? The only way I may find the answer is to write about the first memory I remember as a child. It is a long time ago and I remember that I am three years old. Daddy is holding me near his shoulder and I have my arms around his neck. We are in Sacred Heart Church by ourselves. Daddy just keeps looking straight ahead. His glasses are resting on his nose that protrudes so far from his face. I think about his nose because we always play "noseys" before I go to bed at night. His tinted glasses are hiding his eyes that always smile at me. I want to see his smiling eyes but right now I can see the top of his head better. Daddy does not have much hair on the top of his head. It reminds me of when he says, "The beard on my face makes up for the lack of hair on my head." I laugh to myself and remember telling him to move his beard to the top of his head but to leave his mustache where it is.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Interventions to Meet the Needs of Consumers
Interventions to Meet the Needs of Consumers with Mental Health and Add Issues. BY songster CHAMBER Provide interventions to meet the needs of consumers with mental health and ADD issues. Introduction Case study of Susan a female patient age 40 years old. Name change due to confidentially and I had been given consent to obtain and access her personal medical file for the purpose of my study. In her ass, Susan is beginning to experiencing bouts of unhappiness. She turned to alcohol. The trauma early in Suntan's life, coupled with the subsequent health problems had placed Susan at risk or developing a serious psychiatric disorder as an adult.Despite getting help for depression, her drinking gradually increased. Following the death of her mother in 2003, Suntan's addiction escalated to the point that she could not start the day without a drink. It was in great emotional pain, and her drinking increased. At this point, she was never sober. Recently she had turned herself to cannabis smok ers. Susan had identifying her first problem. She wanted to get well and be normal allowing her greater freedom from the horrible side-effects of alcohol. She was placed on an antidepressant medication to assist her in functioning better. Her family is very supportive.She had a secure and stable family. Susan is fully aware of her mental state. She scored full in Mini mental state examination. Her speech is normal and calm. Therapeutic relationship Susan and I had a nurse-patient relationship that's based on mutual trust and respect. I had been providing care in a manner that enables Susan to be an equal partner in achieving wellness. I had always make sure Susan has privacy when provide care and be sure that her basic needs are met, including relieving pain or there sources of discomfort. I too had actively listened to her to make sure I understand her concerns by restating what she has verbalized.I had maintained professional boundaries like respecting differences in her cultures. We as nurses help Susan achieve harmony in mind, body, and spirit when engaging in a therapeutic relationship based on effective communication that incorporates caring behaviors. It's a win-win situation in which the nurse and Susan can experience growth by sharing the moment with each other. Assessment We did assessment for Susan as the first part of the nursing process, and thus form he basis of the care plan. The essential requirement of accurate assessment is to view Suntan's holistically and thus identify her real needs.Through the use of a scoring formula identification of evidence to support decision making and practice. The assessment tool will assist nurses to both articulate and quantify the nursing contributions to care. Suntan's chart provides information about his health status. It includes details about the current medical condition, treatment plan, related past medical history and other important data required to create a care plan. Vital Signs, jugular monitoring of a patient's heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and evaluate a Suntan's overall condition.Abnormalities can indicate a variety of problems ranging from anxiety to heart failure. Suntan's interview is the one of the most important assessment tools the patient herself. An initial detailed interview to get a full picture of Suntan's physical and mental status. Patient Safety Plan There was a Patient Safety Plan for Susan. The purpose of the safety plan is to encourage Susan to identify calming strategies that may be of assistance to them while she is in hospital. This plan helps to list those things that can be assistance and encourage helping prevent a crisis developing that might place the patient and others at risk.The plan helps to list Suntan's activities and strategies that find helpful in keeping calm. For example Susan likes listening to slow and sentimental music and doing artwork to calm her nerves. She does not like noise and being bullied these will act as triggers and she will get angry. Risk Factors Alcohol abuse also can have serious repercussions on a person's life, leading to financial and legal troubles, impaired thinking and Judgment, as well as marital tress. If we're struggling with money or grappling with a failed relationship, we're more likely to feel depressed.A person's home and social environment also can play a big role in determining whether they will develop both depression and a drinking problem. Children who have been abused or who were raised in poverty appear to be more likely to develop both conditions. Researchers have been searching for a common gene or genes that might lie behind both conditions. They have pinpointed at least one a variant of the gene CHARM that is involved in several important brain functions, including memory and attention. Variations in this gene might put people at risk for alcohol dependence and depression. Surveillance, R.A Primer of Drug Action, Macmillan, 2005. J. Goldberg, 2012. Minimize social isolation We had suggested that Suntan's family members and friends can also benefit from the hospital support group that they learn more about the disorder and become more constructively involved in recovery of Susan. Possible alternatives to traditional treatment. Here is some traditional treatment that Susan attends in her day activities in the day Centre in the hospital itself for relaxing. A number of essential oils are believed to be specially beneficial in the treatment of depression as they help to balance and relax the nervous system.Aromatherapy can be helpful in alleviating mental disorders including depression. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to produce different emotional and physiological reactions. Some essential oils affect the nervous system, can help relieve tensions and anxieties, and even reduce blood pressure. Massage therapy is believed to be helpful for people with depression. Massage produces chemical changes in the brain that result . In a feeling of relaxation, calm and well- being. It also reduces levels of stress hormones ââ¬â such as adrenalin, cortical and morphogenesis ââ¬â which in some people can trigger depression.Yoga breathing exercises are beneficial for depression. Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise philosophy that provides a gentle form of exercise and stress management. It consists of postures or ââ¬Ëasana' that are held for a short period of time and are often synchronized with the breathing. It is very helpful for reducing stress and anxiety which are often precursors to depression. We have given leaflets on acupuncture for traditional medicine China, Japan and other eastern countries. Acupuncture is based on the principle that stimulation of specific areas on the skin affects the functioning of certain organs of the body.Fine needles are inserted into specific points called acupuncture points Just below the surface of the skin. It is believed that acupuncture can help to relieve depression, along with anxiety, nervous tension and stress. Other self-help measures include: Meditation, relaxation, diet, alcohol and drug avoidance and exercise. Withdrawal symptoms The common symptoms of alcohol intoxication include slurred speech, euphoria, impaired balance, loss of muscle coordination, lushes face, dehydration, vomiting, reddened eyes, and erratic behavior.Which Susan does not have but she does not sleep well, not thinking clearly, irritability and loss of appetite. These symptoms are related to withdrawal from another drug as well Management of dependent drug intoxication and withdrawal Encourage and monitor diet and fluid. Reduce all environmental stimuli like providing single room with dim lights 4 hourly vital signs Administer medication prescribed by MO Consider assessment of breath or blood alcohol level where there is a concern of polycrystalline use. Report mental state and concerns, discuss with MO Referral to psychiatry.Treatment her treatment includes Disappear, Thia mine, and multivitamin and foliate supplements. Mobility: Performs falls risk assessment on falls risk management tool (FROM) On going assessment and management Assessment of the patient's risk and protective factors status at the current time. Provision of feedback on the patient's risk level. Review of progress since the last towards achieving current goals. Identification of upcoming high-risk situations. Development and practice of coping responses Addressing any problems the patient may currently experience and Setting new oils for the time until the next.For Susan the goal is to disrupt the cycle and reduce the risk of relapse. Treatment can include continuing care. We use intensive inpatient care based on 12-step principles. Followed by continuing care involving self-help groups, 12-step group counseling, and some individual therapies. Alternative approaches to enhance treatment retention in both initial and continuing care. The 12-step programs that provide a spiritual and b ehavioral guide to self improvement and offer social support for people seeking to achieve abstinence Each of these groups offers several hypes of meetings like speaker meetings.With invited speakers such as discussion meetings in which all participants contribute to the discussion of a given topic or ââ¬Å"12- step meetingsâ⬠that discuss one of the 12 steps and participants are encouraged to attend all types of meetings. Cognitive-behavioral therapy begins with an analysis to identify beliefs, attitudes, and situations that contribute to the patient's ADD use. Based on this analysis, coping responses that the patient can use are developed and practiced in high-risk situations to avoid relapse (Carroll 1998; Month et al. 1999). Monitoring of her sleep pattern.Monitoring of her fluid and diet intake. Being The aim is addressing Suntan's social care needs including possible triggers or substance misuse. To give her education in improving awareness of risks taking behavior and e xplaining how to find support. To give her treatment of mental health problems, drug treatment, psychosocial therapy and complementary therapies.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Essay on how man is destroying the Environment Essay
Man is an integral part of the environment, yet he is the arch-enemy of it. For centuries man has been thriving on its generosity. But in his quest to make life very simpler and more luxurious,, he has turned a blind eye to the damage caused to the environment. Our greed to get the most out of everything has made us contemptuously neglect the environment, although we all know that our very existence depends on it. A careful analysis of why there are imbalances in the environment will highlight numerous mistakes and aberrations on our parts. After doing so, I reason that there are certain traits in us that have led to the present situation. The first is the innate tendency to discriminate. After divining the world into geographical entities by drawing imaginary lines called ââ¬Ëbordersââ¬â¢, man has divided societies on the basic of color, creed, religion etc. The immediate effect of such division is bias. Primarily our world has been divided into major categories based on the qualities of life- developed and developing. Although the word ââ¬Ëdevelopedââ¬â¢ seems to have comforting implications, the problematic aspect is that these countries have not attained this status without damaging the environment. In fact, they have tampered with it to a great extent. Every element of the environment, be it land or water, has been exploited. The other category, the developing nations, is like a teenager who has just turned adult. He wants to enjoy every bit of comfort and freedom that was till now the prerogative of the developed nations. Lately both the developed and the developing nations woken up to the ramifications of damaging the environment. Various conference and summits have been held to find solutions to the problem. But the outcome of all these has been the same; no consensus has been reached on how to preserve the environment. The prime reason of the discord is the question of responsibility. Both the parties present their own set of arguments to evade the issue. The developing nations allege that it is the developed which have misused natural resources and hence, the onus is on them to preserve the environment and undo their actions that have ledà to the present scenario. At the end of the day, the victim of this blame game is the environment, which is languishing due to mankindââ¬â¢s apathetic nature. In order to progress, every country needs to set up industries for manufacturing essential commodities. Both the developed and the developing nations have extensive set-up of such industries that cause more pollution than any other thing on the planet. The amount carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by these has already reached dangerous levels. Carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, is the main cause of global warning. It has been reported that the average global surface temperature has risen by 0.56 degree C. One of the effects of this surge is that the Antarctic ice caps have stared melting thereby making the sea level rise. Based on their respective findings, concerted scientists fraternity has been trying to draw the attention of the policymakers to the grave situation that we have put ourselves in. Some lo-lying areas are already facing the threat of being submerged by rising sea levels. The increase in average temperature has also caused warming of sea waters. We all are well aware of EI Nino that occurs dues to warming of the Pacific. Countries, particularly those encircling the Pacific, are the worst affected by the weather disturbance that it brings along. Heat waves, one of such weather problems, kill a large number of people very year. The above paragraph present a global picture of discrimination and divided politics. Even within a country we find it very common. We do not have to rack our brains to find a suitable example. Our very own India has deeply entrenched caste lines. People of superior castes believe that certain activities should be carried out only by those from the lower strata of the society. Cleaning drains and toilets and picking rags from the streets are expected to be carried out by these people. If these workers go on leave, no individual from the upper echelons of the society would engage himself in such work. Young individuals from lower castes ni longer wants to continue with this petty work and want to pursue something that is socially more acceptable. It has widened the demand-and-supply gap resulting in squalid surroundings. If people understand their duties and change their outlook aà bit, the problem can be readily solved. As has been practiced in the developed countries for years now, home owners should themselves collect and dump the garbage at the local collection point. They should not look down upon this because keepingââ¬â¢s oneââ¬â¢s surroundings clean is not dis-respectable. They should also not expect someone else to do this on their behalf just because that person stands lower on the social ladder. The second trait that has led to the damage of the environment is self-centeredness. The motto of people goes like ââ¬Å"If it suits you, carry on and forget about everything elseâ⬠. Unfortunately, the word ââ¬Å"everythingâ⬠is that seems to refer o the environment because it is that one thing which everyone tends to forget about. Again, no better example comes to mind other than India to substantiate this. Right from the festivals, to holiday trips to part celebrations, our actions disrupt the balance in nature. Starting with the festival many of them involve submerging sacred status in rivers or seas causing water pollution. Water bodies have self-cleaning ability, but if polluted beyond the saturation point they disturb the aquatic life . Many varieties of fish are known to have become endangered due to our negligence. Some festivals involve blasting crackers which causes air pollution. Not only this, stray animals suffer severe trauma because of the unbearable noise of crackers. Moving on to our overzealous vacation trips, we somehow damage the environment there also. Some of our hill stations have started getting warmer. The rise in temperature is partly due to the vehicles coming to these areas packed with visitors and emitting CO2 copiously. Such scenes have especially become common in places like Mussoorie, Shimla, Khandala, etc, which are close to major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. People do not mind taking their high emission vehicles to these serene places, thus disturbing their ecology. And all this is due to inadequate government policies and the indifferent attitude of the people. It should not be surprising that after enduring so much, the environment also runs out of patience sometimes. And then its fury is unleashed. This is quite evident from the fact that the rise of sea level due to global warming is giving nightmares to scientists across the world. It is posing a serious hazard to the existence of a number of islands by threatening to wipe manyà of them off the world map. Nature is hitting mankind back in some other spheres as well. In parts of Indian, climate changes due to heat wave render the crops useless and on occasions this happens right before the harvest. Being primarily an agrarian economy, it becomes very difficult for India to cope with such a challenge. This makes evident that the environment retorts whenever it is tampered. Another very compelling example is that of yaks, Yaks, that are suited to very cold climate and are confined only to upper regions of the mountains, are brought down to lowers areas where tourists throng because they are a major tourist attraction. Lately it has been found that these Yaks meet untimely death because their bodies are not able to adapt to the warmer conditions downhill. In turn there owners suffer heavy loss. Another area where meddling with environment can have dire consequences is land pollution. Whenever waste is not disposed of properly, the dump becomes the perfect breeding ground of pathogens resulting in epidermis such as plague and dengue. Other diseases such as asthma are one the rise in large cities where air pollution is more acute. The groundwater level has been plummeting in more of the cities due to improper use of the precious water resources. Whenever there us scarcity of water, people fight it out to get their share when the local water tankers arrives in their locality. These examples clearly, indicate that whenever man disturbs the environment balance, he is in fact digging his own grave. It is the time man undid the damage done to his surroundings. Both the developed and the developing nations should come together to protect the environment. Instead of questioning each otherââ¬â¢s duties, they should collectively strive for a solution and step up their efforts to save the enviroement. In fact, every county should do its bit. Likewise we, in India, should cooperate with the government on its politics and also help formulate new ones to protect the environment. Closing the tap properly and switching off appliances when not in use are some of the basic appliances when not in use are some of the basic measures that require almost no effort on oneââ¬â¢s part but still can make a huge difference. Other measures like using public transport, ensuring that surroundings are not polluted during festival celebrations can go al long way towards protecting environment. Effective advertising campaigns proper education imparted to poor people, involvingà business hoses, etc, will also pave the way for a better environment. At the end of the day, we must understand that maintaining the balance would not only help us but more importantly, would ensure the very existence of life on Earth.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Battle of New Orleans in the American Civil War
Battle of New Orleans in the American Civil War The capture of New Orleans by Union forces occurred during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and saw Flag Officer David G. Farragut run his fleet past Forts Jackson and St. Philip on April 24, 1862 before capturing New Orleans the following day. Early in the Civil War, Union General-in-Chief Winfield Scott devised the Anaconda Plan for defeating the Confederacy. A hero of the Mexican-American War, Scott called for the blockade of the Southern coast as well as the capture of the Mississippi River. This latter move was designed to split the Confederacy in two and prevent supplies from moving east and west. To New Orleans The first step to securing the Mississippi was the capture of New Orleans. The Confederacys largest city and busiest port, New Orleans was defended by two large forts, Jackson and St. Philip, situated on the river below the city (Map). While forts had historically held an advantage over naval vessels, successes in 1861 at Hatteras Inlet and Port Royal led Assistant Secretary of the Navy Gustavus V. Fox to believe that an attack up the Mississippi would be feasible. In his view, the forts could be reduced by naval gunfire and then assaulted by a relatively small landing force. Foxs plan was initially opposed by US Army general-in-chief George B. McClellan who believed that such an operation would require 30,000 to 50,000 men. Viewing a prospective expedition against New Orleans as a diversion, he was unwilling to release large numbers of troops as he was planning what would become the Peninsula Campaign. To obtain the needed landing force, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles approachedà Major General Benjamin Butler. A political appointee, Butler was able to use his connections to secure 18,000 men and received command of the force on February 23, 1862. Fast Facts: Capture of New Orleans Conflict: American Civil War (1861-1865)Dates: April 24, 1862Armies Commanders:UnionFlag Officer David G. Farragut17 warships19 mortar boatsConfederateMajor General Mansfield LovellForts Jackson St. Philip2 ironclads, 10 gunboats Farragut The task of eliminating the forts and taking the city fell to Flag Officer David G. Farragut. A long-serving officer who had taken part in the War of 1812 and Mexican-American War, he had been raised by Commodore David Porter following the death of his mother. Given command of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron in January 1862, Farragut arrived at his new post the following month and established a base of operations on Ship Island off the coast of Mississippi. In addition to his squadron, he was provided with a fleet of mortar boats led by his foster brother, Commander David D. Porter, who had the ear of Fox. Assessing the Confederate defenses, Farragut initially planned to reduce the forts with mortar fire before advancing his fleet up the river. Rear Admiral David G. Farragut. US Naval History and Heritage Commandà Preparations Moving to the Mississippi River in mid-March, Farragut began moving his ships over the bar at its mouth. Here complications were encountered as the water proved three feet shallower than expected.à As a result, the steam frigate USS Colorado (52 guns) had to be left behind. Rendezvousing at Head of Passes, Farraguts ships and Porters mortar boats moved up the river towards the forts. Arriving, Farragut was confronted by Forts Jackson and St. Philip, as well as a chain barricade and four smaller batteries. Sending forward a detachment from the US Coast Survey, Farragut made determinations on where to place the mortar fleet. Confederate Preparations From the outset of the war, plans for the defense of New Orleans were hampered by the fact that the Confederate leadership in Richmond believed that the greatest threats to the city would come from the north. As such, military equipment and manpower were shifted up the Mississippi to defensive points such as Island Number 10.à In southern Louisiana, the defenses were commanded by Major General Mansfield Lovell who had his headquarters in New Orleans. Immediate oversight of the forts fell to Brigadier General Johnson K. Duncan. Supporting the static defenses were the River Defense Fleet consisting of six gunboats, two gunboats from the Louisiana Provisional Navy, as well as two gunboats from the Confederate Navy and the ironclads CSS Louisiana (12) and CSS Manassas (1). The former, while a powerful ship, was not complete and was used as a floating battery during the battle. Though numerous, the Confederates forces on the water lacked a unified command structure. Reducing the Forts Though skeptical about their effectiveness in reducing the forts, Farragut advanced Porters mortar boats on April 18.à Firing non-stop for five days and nights, the mortars pounded the forts, but were unable to completely disable their batteries. As the shells rained down, sailors from USS Kineo (5), USS Itasca (5), and USS Pinola (5) rowed forward and opened a gap in the chain barricade on April 20. On April 23, Farragut, impatient with the bombardments results, began planning to run his fleet past the forts. Ordering his captains to drape their vessels in chain, iron plate, and other protective materials, Farragut divided the fleet into three sections for the coming action (Map). There were led by Farragut and Captains Theodorus Bailey and Henry H. Bell. Running the Gauntlet At 2:00 AM on April 24, the Union fleet began moving upstream, with the first division, led by Bailey, coming under fire an hour and fifteen minutes later. Racing ahead, the first division was soon clear of the forts, however Farraguts second division encountered more difficulty. As his flagship, USS Hartford (22) cleared the forts, it was forced to turn to avoid a Confederate fire raft and ran aground. Seeing the Union ship in trouble, the Confederates redirected the fire raft towards Hartford causing a fire to break out on the vessel. Moving quickly, the crew extinguished the flames and was able to back the ship out of the mud. USS Hartford (1858). US Naval History Heritage Command Above the forts, the Union ships encountered the River Defense Fleet and Manassas. While the gunboats were easily dealt with, Manassas attempted to ram USS Pensacola (17) but missed. Moving downstream, it was accidentally fired upon by the forts before moving to strike USS Brooklyn (21). Ramming the Union ship, Manassas failed to strike a fatal blow as it hit Brooklyns full coal bunkers. By the time the fighting ended, Manassas was downstream of the Union fleet and unable to make enough speed against the current to ram effectively. As a result, its captain ran it aground where it was destroyed by Union gun fire. The City Surrenders Having successfully cleared the forts with minimal losses, Farragut began steaming upstream to New Orleans. Arriving off the city on April 25, he immediately demanded its surrender. Sending a force ashore, Farragut was told by the mayor that only Major General Lovell could surrender the city. This was countered when Lovell informed the mayor that he was retreating and that the city was not his to surrender. After four days of this, Farragut ordered his men to hoist the US flag over the customs house and city hall. During this time, the garrisons of the Forts Jackson and St. Philip, now cut off from the city, surrendered. On May 1, Union troops under Butler arrived to take official custody of the city. Aftermath The battle to capture New Orleans cost Farragut a mere 37 killed and 149 wounded. Though he was initially unable to get all of his fleet past the forts, he succeeded in getting 13 ships upstream which enabled him to capture the Confederacys greatest port and center of trade. For Lovell, the fighting along the river cost him around 782 killed and wounded, as well as approximately 6,000 captured. The loss of the city effectively ended Lovells career. After the fall of New Orleans, Farragut was able to take control of much of the lower Mississippi and succeeded in capturing Baton Rouge and Natchez. Pressing upstream, his ships reached as far as Vicksburg, MS before being halted by Confederate batteries. After attempting a brief siege, Farragut withdrew back down the river to prevent being trapped by falling water levels.
Monday, October 21, 2019
This Charette is Not A Tumbril
This Charette is Not A Tumbril This Charette is Not A Tumbril This Charette is Not A Tumbril By Maeve Maddox The high school in my community is about to undergo a major redesign. I opened the morning paper and read the following headline: Details of tonights high school design charette revealed Wednesday I was puzzled because the only meaning for charette/charrette I was acquainted with was wheeled cart, like the one that hauled Sidney Carton to the guillotine in A Tale of Two Cities. Come to find out, charette, also spelled charet, is a term much used in urban planning. Heres the new definition as added to the OED in 2007 charet, n. Chiefly N. Amer. (orig. Archit.). A period of intense (group) work, typically undertaken in order to meet a deadline. Also: a collaborative workshop focusing on a particular problem or project; (Town Planning) a public meeting or conference devoted to discussion of a proposed community building project. [Probably originally with reference to the former custom among French architecture students of using a cart to carry their work on the day of an exhibition: see Trà ©sor de la Langue Franà §aise s.v. charrette.] Now I understand when I read something like the following: Herbert said that during the charette, boards will be provided with outlines of the campus. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. Further50 Idioms About Roads and PathsPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Artificial Intelligence System
Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes in creating intelligent machines that behave and react like human being. The technology has become an important part of todayââ¬â¢s industry. Research related with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialized. Computers are designed with artificial intelligence in order to provide services like research, learning, planning and problem solving etc. (Hoffart et al., 2013). The main aim of AI is to understand the principle that helps in making the behavior intelligent through natural or artificial systems. This is possible through Natural and artificial agent analysis, Hypothesis that helps in constructing intelligent agents and through Computational systems. The researcher had used highly technical and specialized data in order to discuss the topic. Literature survey, applications of artificial intelligence, its future trends have been discussed in this report by the researcher According to Nilsson (2014), AI systems are used by engineers in order solve a large range of intractable problems. The level of AI increases with the level of competency in order to deal with difficult and with even more dangerous tasks which are done by humans in the form of artificial intelligence. The main advantage of the technology is that they are real time automated system but they support various types of techniques and methodologies including control theory. Whenever new and undiscovered lands like planets are explored, AI systems can be used because they work like a machine which does not have emotions. The main architecture, techniques, algorithm that is used for distributed AI systems includes control and decision support system. Figure 1: Artificial Intelligence for Gaming (Source: Millington & Funge, 2016, 527) On the other hand Millington and Funge (2016) discussed that there is no doubt that the technology can perform the entire task in a better way than humans, but the use of AI systems can cause harm. With the use of AI systems, unemployment is increasing at a faster rate. People are becoming jobless and as a result the technology has become the cause of mental illness and obesity for many human beings. The technology can cause massive destruction if it is used by wrong hands. As stated by Nastase and Strube (2013), AI machines can be able to do everything that is essentially required. One most important advantage of using artificial intelligence is that they do fewer mistakes as compared to human beings. They can act as 24/7 for childrenââ¬â¢s who are actually suffering from disabilities. Artificial intelligence helps in learning and teaching. It can be used as a fire alarming system in order to avoid crime. Figure 2: Type of Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) (Source: Nastase & Strube, 2013, pp- 81) On the other hand Millington and Funge (2016) stated that the organizations are fully dependent on AI systems. As a result if any problem occurs in the system then the system will create a huge problem as there is no backup technology in store of the organization, which they can use in need. The machine lacks the feeling of togetherness and sympathy, as they are a form of machine which works as human beings but they are actually not humans. There are many application of artificial intelligence. The applications are: An AI technique is used in natural language understanding:à The AI technology is used in image processing. The main aim of image processing is to identify the relation between different parts of an image. This is done by attaching a camera to a computer, so a computer can easily access visual images (Milne & Witten, 2013). This facility is given to the computers so that they can easily access and understand their surroundings. An AI technique is used in Network Intrusion Detection: Intrusion Detection System (IDS) technology uses various types of Artificial Intelligence technique in order to protect the computer and communication system from intrude (Nilsson, 2014). The system mainly helps in monitoring the events that mainly occurs in network and it also helps in designing and detecting the signs of intrusion. An AI technique is used in medical area: AI systems have the potential to be applied in any field of medical science. It is used in medical area as: An AI technique is used in Accounting Database: The problem in accounting database can be mitigated by using artificial technology. The main problem that is with accounting database is that humans cannot understand the process of computerized database. Integrating AI systems with the databases helps in assisting in investigation. The investigation includes large volumes data with or without the help of any decision maker (Hoffart et al., 2013). Thus, the system helps in analyzing and assisting the data for the users understanding and interpretation. By using artificial intelligence, information can be stored and retrieved in natural language. There are various techniques that are present in the system for assisting broader understanding of the events that are captured by the accounting systems (Hovy et al. 2013). The AI technology and the expert system works together helps in building the intelligence into the database for assisting the users. An AI technique is used in the Computer Games: A Computer game generally uses three dimensional games and complex worlds (Nastase & Strube (2013). When AI technology is put together with graphics rendering, then an expected worthwhile computer games can be produced. AI technology is one of the main parts of computer games. With the use of artificial intelligence computer games have became interesting (Charniak et al., 2014).à The AI system is mainly used in order to solve some of the problems that are related with computer games. Unit movement, analysis of the situation, learning, spatial reasoning, coordination with the group, allocation of resource and target selection are some of the units were AI mainly contributes. An AI technique is used in Natural language Understanding: AI technology is used for understanding different natural languages. In this system an effective programming is used in the computer. The program sets commands and accordingly the system works (Hoffart et al., 2013). à The main aim of the system is to enable people and language rather doing the same with the help of a programming language. An AI technique is used in Aviation: The technology is used in aviation in order to collect data from different flights. The technology uses programs for collecting and distributing information (Milne & Witten, 2013). The main aim of the system is to measure the performance of the system which is a type of fault analysis. In the next 10 years, AI will be able to communicate with human being in unstructured English which can be a text or voice. The other future trends of AI include: Information processing will be parallel: The system is aided with the help of chips custom for designing AI application in order to process large amount of data (Millington & Funge, 2016) Smarter gets redefined: This occurs with the advances in sensor, cloud and learning technology (Baarslag et al., 2013). Deep Learning: It includes processing of data that are raw. The raw data includes pictures, speech, natural language etc. It is concluded from the report that with the help of the artificial intelligence, information can be stored and retrieved. It is discussed that the different set of techniques that are present in the system for assisting broader understanding of the events. With the use of artificial intelligence computer games have became interesting. The analyzer concludes that the AI system is mainly used in order to solve some of the problems that are related with computer games. à In IDS technology uses various types of Artificial Intelligence technique for protecting the computer and communication system from intrusion. The system mainly helps in monitoring the events that mainly occurs in network and it also helps in designing and detecting the signs of intrusion. Baarslag, T., Fujita, K., Gerding, E. H., Hindriks, K., Ito, T., Jennings, N. R., ... & Williams, C. R. (2013). Evaluating practical negotiating agents: Results and analysis of the 2011 international competition.à Artificial Intelligence,à 198, 73-103. Charniak, E., Riesbeck, C. K., McDermott, D. V., & Meehan, J. R. (2014).Artificial intelligence programming. Psychology Press Hoffart, J., Suchanek, F. M., Berberich, K., & Weikum, G. (2013). YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia.à Artificial Intelligence,à 194, 28-61. Hoffart, J., Suchanek, F. M., Berberich, K., & Weikum, G. (2013). YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia.à Artificial Intelligence,à 194, 28-61. Hovy, E., Navigli, R., & Ponzetto, S. P. (2013). Collaboratively built semi-structured content and Artificial Intelligence: The story so far.à Artificial Intelligence,à 194, 2-27. Michalski, R. S., Carbonell, J. G., & Mitchell, T. M. (Eds.). (2013).à Machine learning: An artificial intelligence approach. Springer Science & Business Media. Millington, I., & Funge, J. (2016).à Artificial intelligence for games. CRC Press. Millington, I., & Funge, J. (2016).à Artificial intelligence for games. CRC Press. Milne, D., & Witten, I. H. (2013). An open-source toolkit for mining Wikipedia.Artificial Intelligence,à 194, 222-239. Nastase, V., & Strube, M. (2013). Transforming Wikipedia into a large scale multilingual concept network.à Artificial Intelligence,à 194, 62-85. Nilsson, N. J. (2014).à Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11
Discussion Questions - Essay Example A good practice in team settings is giving different members a chance to be team leaders. Attitudes influence the behavior of people when they work together. I once worked in a company that had morale issues. Everyone was down because the company was having financial troubles that were affecting the entire staff. The employees were getting paid a week or two late every payroll. The attitude of the employees was horrendous. People would come to work late and leave early. Nobody respected the managerial staff because they were doing nothing to ensure they employees got paid. It was one excuse after the other. The lack of commitment by managers led to an organizational chaos. There are generational differences that affect the way an organization operates. The younger employees are not as committed to a company as the older employees because younger employees have more options. They expect a company to help them in their professional development. If a company does not provide its younger employees opportunity for growth the most likely scenario is that they wonââ¬â¢t be able to retain the employee. Older employees value job security and a stable working environment. A way to get the younger employees and older workers to participate with each other is to formulate work teams made up of both young and experienced workers. Managers are not the only workers that can lead a company. There are many informal leaders in organizations. These people are able to motivate the rest of their colleagues to perform work at a higher level. Sometimes these leaders are silent leaders that influence the behavior of others through example. For instance a person at a manufacturing line can motivate others to improve their performance by producing more units per day than anybody else. When another worker sees that it is possible to produce more the worker starts believing that greater production is possible. I understand what you are going through working in that inefficient
Qualitative 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Qualitative 2 - Essay Example There is particular method taken towards describing the basic elements within the data analysis and interpretation of the narratives retrieved from the interviews. The initial step entails reading and re-reading of the text provided to facilitate a better understanding of the provided data. This is the part where one has to consider the quality of the data via identifying key aspects, for example, impressions or any limitations. This is vital to the analysis to aid in eliminating any chance of collecting irrelevant data that does not make any meaning or add any value to the qualitative analysis The next step entails a directive that focuses on the analysis of the data findings via reviewing the purpose of the qualitative evaluation. The evaluation defines how one intends to use the results of the study by applying common approaches like looking into how the involved entities in all the readings related and in turn organize them to identify the similarities, consistencies and even the differences in the information. This process can also be referred to as categorization of information, which involves placing data according to identified themes or patterns that represent ideas having relevant information of coherent categories. The main focus of the data gathered and being analyzed are to aid in the re-engineering and re-development of Business Take On (BTO) and the client billing process. The readings from the data sets provided highlight on how business is conducted within the organization. The process map provided showcase how the various department or sections of the business are contingent or dependent on each other for the day to day execution of business operations. The findings in the qualitative study of the passages are sustained by the presence of the supporting conditions which show relation between all the
Media analysis paper examining leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media analysis paper examining leadership - Essay Example In episode 2 of restaurant impossible, the menââ¬â¢s teams are meeting to chant the way forward on an advertisement campaign to promote restaurant services (Cathy 2014). Robert Irvine who is the project manager depicts a number of characteristics leadership where he portrays a discursive technique by engaging his fellow members. We see Irvine trying to convey direct directives and bringing to the fore challenging questions for other members to ponder and find the best approach to undertake. Irvine comes up with a proposal on division of labour in form of statements, for instance he uses the phrase ââ¬Ëneedââ¬â¢ to assign roles (Northouse 2013). Robert Irvine exemplifies himself as a leader by dominating the floor as the resultant task assigner and spells out his role as the floater. According to the different leadership theories, Irvine portrays that a leader is born and made. In this perspective we find that Irvine is influenced by the situation to stand with his team to make the best alternatives. The situation influences him to stand out as the coordinator of the campaign. This can be cemented by the attributes and the use of ââ¬Ëokayââ¬â¢ which is an approach that ensures that the members completely comprehend their roles, this is typical to most leaders as a leader as to ensure that the subordinates are ready for the tasks. Irvine displays a high degree of leadership which according to a member of his team is a positive technique (Northouse 2013). In episode 4, Robert Irvine travels to Italy to save a collapsing Italy restaurant. Robert Irvine is recognized as the leader and allowed to adopt all the changes he may require in the group. Robert Irvine accused of trying to curtail the decisions that his team mates makes on the business campaign, a member is quoted saying ââ¬Ëyouââ¬â¢re obviously getting mad that Iââ¬â¢m thinking on my ownââ¬â¢.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Innovative Entrepreneur Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Innovative Entrepreneur - Coursework Example An example of disruptive innovation was the iPod. I admired the product because it changed how people listen and buy music (Kahney, 2011). I decided that this was an innovation because it created a new platform to get access to music which did not exist before. Starbuck recent market development strategy of ââ¬Å"Skinny Lattesâ⬠and low fat/calorie syrup was innovative. I admired the innovation because it was able to address the increasing change in consumption behavior as more people become concerned about their health. This was innovative because it was able to create a product that fits human health through reducing the level of calories. I decided that the idea was innovative because it was able to address an existing problem of obesity (Starbucks Corporation, 2014). However, the current innovative idea might affect the consumption of other foods. This might affect the companyââ¬â¢s performance in the market. The change of PayPal business model from a cryptography company to an online money transfer company was innovative. Currently, PayPal enables people to transfer money online from one part of the world to another within a short time. I admire this innovative idea because it was able to identify a gap that existed in the market, an aspect that led to creation of one of the most successful company in the world (Cohan, 2013). However, the disadvantage of the move is that it affected the original idea that led to establishment of the company. Kahney,à L. (2011, October 22). An Illustrated History of the iPod And Its Massive Impact [iPod 10th Anniversary] | Cult of Mac. Retrievedà Mayà 27, 2014, from
Resource Plan Public Service Announcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Resource Plan Public Service Announcement - Essay Example Therefore, both the Commercial fishing (fish firms and fishermen) has significantly contributed to the decline of the sea fish where if the absence of proper and effective measures persist, it will accelerate declining fish stock. Effective sustainment plan will entail involving fishermen (both commercial and non commercial), communities, statesââ¬â¢ regimes besides environmentalists. For the sustainable plan to be effective and every entity understands its significance, there will be a necessity of holding diverse meetings. These will be for negotiating with the key parties by making them understand the effects of their overfishing besides outlining the intended strategies meant to preserve global fish (Recharte, Bowler & Bodmer, 2008). Meeting all the involved parties besides negotiating with them will probably take 1 to 4 months approximately. The plan will entail advocating utilization of redesigned fishing equipments that will ensure no more catching of the already smaller fish to allow bleeding. Besides, fishing will be in intervals coupled with legalizing of commercial fishing firms where they will adhere to strict regulations and policies. This is to allow adequate fish breeding besides shunning sp ecific regions where overfishing is evident. The environmentalists owing to their urge and passion for nature and especially aquatic life, they will support the sustainable plan where some may be willing to contribute positively (Recharte, Bowler & Bodmer, 2008). Conversely, both the commercial and non-commercial parties may or not agree with the sustainable plan where it will call for prolonged persuading. Fishing techniques normally lead to the extinction of other aquatic species. This is because they become entangled in the nets or other fishing equipments where fishermen after getting their intended catch normally discard them on the shore. Hence, endanger various species that normally
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Media analysis paper examining leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media analysis paper examining leadership - Essay Example In episode 2 of restaurant impossible, the menââ¬â¢s teams are meeting to chant the way forward on an advertisement campaign to promote restaurant services (Cathy 2014). Robert Irvine who is the project manager depicts a number of characteristics leadership where he portrays a discursive technique by engaging his fellow members. We see Irvine trying to convey direct directives and bringing to the fore challenging questions for other members to ponder and find the best approach to undertake. Irvine comes up with a proposal on division of labour in form of statements, for instance he uses the phrase ââ¬Ëneedââ¬â¢ to assign roles (Northouse 2013). Robert Irvine exemplifies himself as a leader by dominating the floor as the resultant task assigner and spells out his role as the floater. According to the different leadership theories, Irvine portrays that a leader is born and made. In this perspective we find that Irvine is influenced by the situation to stand with his team to make the best alternatives. The situation influences him to stand out as the coordinator of the campaign. This can be cemented by the attributes and the use of ââ¬Ëokayââ¬â¢ which is an approach that ensures that the members completely comprehend their roles, this is typical to most leaders as a leader as to ensure that the subordinates are ready for the tasks. Irvine displays a high degree of leadership which according to a member of his team is a positive technique (Northouse 2013). In episode 4, Robert Irvine travels to Italy to save a collapsing Italy restaurant. Robert Irvine is recognized as the leader and allowed to adopt all the changes he may require in the group. Robert Irvine accused of trying to curtail the decisions that his team mates makes on the business campaign, a member is quoted saying ââ¬Ëyouââ¬â¢re obviously getting mad that Iââ¬â¢m thinking on my ownââ¬â¢.
Resource Plan Public Service Announcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Resource Plan Public Service Announcement - Essay Example Therefore, both the Commercial fishing (fish firms and fishermen) has significantly contributed to the decline of the sea fish where if the absence of proper and effective measures persist, it will accelerate declining fish stock. Effective sustainment plan will entail involving fishermen (both commercial and non commercial), communities, statesââ¬â¢ regimes besides environmentalists. For the sustainable plan to be effective and every entity understands its significance, there will be a necessity of holding diverse meetings. These will be for negotiating with the key parties by making them understand the effects of their overfishing besides outlining the intended strategies meant to preserve global fish (Recharte, Bowler & Bodmer, 2008). Meeting all the involved parties besides negotiating with them will probably take 1 to 4 months approximately. The plan will entail advocating utilization of redesigned fishing equipments that will ensure no more catching of the already smaller fish to allow bleeding. Besides, fishing will be in intervals coupled with legalizing of commercial fishing firms where they will adhere to strict regulations and policies. This is to allow adequate fish breeding besides shunning sp ecific regions where overfishing is evident. The environmentalists owing to their urge and passion for nature and especially aquatic life, they will support the sustainable plan where some may be willing to contribute positively (Recharte, Bowler & Bodmer, 2008). Conversely, both the commercial and non-commercial parties may or not agree with the sustainable plan where it will call for prolonged persuading. Fishing techniques normally lead to the extinction of other aquatic species. This is because they become entangled in the nets or other fishing equipments where fishermen after getting their intended catch normally discard them on the shore. Hence, endanger various species that normally
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Comparing Classic Folktales Essay Example for Free
Comparing Classic Folktales Essay Before reading and writing were common practice; history was told in the form of legend; fiction was told in the form of myth; and lessons about life were taught to children through folktales and fables. Folktales not only served a role in teaching children, but often helped define the common themes of life in general for that particular culture. Most folktales have a specific message which they try to portray through symbolism, writing style, and plot. Many folktales from different cultures are very similar and present the same main ideas and messages. Today folktales are popular mostly as a way of teaching morals and life lessons. They are often compilations, or illustrated books made for children. Two popular folktales that are very similar are, Frans Timmermanââ¬â¢s, ââ¬Å"The Frog and the Foxâ⬠and a story we all know, originally from the book, Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables, ââ¬Å"The Tortoise and the Hareâ⬠. In the folktale, ââ¬Å"The Tortoise and the Hareâ⬠Aesop masterfully demonstrates what we all consider to be a classic folktale. The story begins with a hare who makes boastful claims about how swift he is, and how no animals could run faster than he could. The hare teases a tortoise for his slowness; the tortoise, annoyed by the hareââ¬â¢s claims, agrees to a race that they plan the next day. The next morning the hare comes to the race half asleep and unprepared. Hare sees how slow tortoise is and decides to take a nap. When he awakes, he notices tortoise is only one third of the way through the course, and decides to have a quick breakfast. The meal made hare sleepy and seeing tortoise was not yet half done with the course, hare decided to take another quick nap. The hare oversleeps and tortoise wins the race against the boastful, overconfident hare. Aesopââ¬â¢s story can be related to by people all over the world and many cultures have adopted the story. Today it is pu blished in over thirty languages, and sells in bookstores worldwide. A lesser known American writer named Frans Timmerman has a remarkably similar story that was published in 1911. The story is about a frog, he is in the jungle minding his own business when a fox passes by. The fox makes fun of the frog because he is such a strange specimen; she asks how frog is able to move about with one long pair of legs, and one short one. The fox is very amused when frog tells her that he is the fastest frog in the whole jungle. The fox is almost insulted when frog thinks he can beat her in a race, and begins to boast about her speed and running skills. They plan to have the race the next day, and set up a course through the jungle. The next day the frog and the fox meet with a friend, duck, and get ready to race. When the race begins frog jumps onto the tail of fox and holds on while fox sprints as fast as she can. Fox does not notice the small frog on her tail and already believes she has won the race. As fox approaches the finish line, frog makes a mighty leap onto her back, and then across the finish line, just before fox makes it across. Fox says frog didnââ¬â¢t win but duck, as the referee, claims frog to be the winner as he had barely passed the finish line first. At the end fox accepts that she was outsmarted and realizes that her overconfidence was the root of her downfall. This story is not identical to the story in Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables, but has many of the same characteristics, as well as a similar overall message and symbolic meaning. Historians agree that Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables was written around 500 B.C. by a slave living in Greece. It was originally written in Greek; European versions were not printed until the early 1800ââ¬â¢s. English versions were printed in the 1900ââ¬â¢s, and it is likely this book was at least one inspiration to Frans Timmermanââ¬â¢s work. Timmermanââ¬â¢s book was released in 1911 just a few short years after English prints of Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables were available in the United States. Each story shares similar characteristics in plot, style, technique, and symbolism, but there are also more superficial similarities and differences. In both stories the authors choose to use animals as a form of symbolism to tell their story. Animals are commonly used as characters in folktale; however, the animals each author decides to use are very specific. Each author chooses animals that have traits and characteristics that are familiar to most people, regardless of age or education level. In Aesopââ¬â¢s folktale the animals used are a tortoise and a hare. In Timmermanââ¬â¢s story the animals used are a frog and a fox. When people think of a tortoise they generally have images of a very slow moving land creature. Similarly Timmermanââ¬â¢s character frog brings thoughts of a water dwelling species, clumsy and slow on land. The same idea spreads to the fox and the hare; both are considered to be quick and cunning species and the authors use them in this light. It is likely these animals were common where each story was written. These animals also share similar more transparent symbolic meaning. Although time, and simple cultural differences likely led to the different characters and context of the stories, they still share many similar traits in there symbolism and morals. Because the symbolism is easily identified, and the message is easily related to, nearly all people can apply this story to life. It is easy to see how nearly every culture has embraced a version of this story, or come up with a similar version of their own. Today Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables is printed in 31 languages. The tortoise is symbolic in Aesopââ¬â¢s story for a wise, slow moving, dedicated creature. He uses the tortoise to help portray the message that ââ¬Å"slow and steadyâ⬠can persevere over an overconfident, boastful opponent. Likewise, Timmerman chooses to use a frog, which sometimes symbolizes the same things as the tortoise in folktales and fables. A frog additionally represents transformation. The frog is shown in his story to be very intelligent and the message is that you can overcome a problem even when the odds are against you if you use your head. By using his intelligence he defeats the overconfident, boastful opponent. Timmerman decides to use a fox in his story as a quick, overconfident, somewhat ignorant character. He portrays the fox in this way as a symbol for this type of person, whom everyone has encountered at some point in their lives. Aesop similarly chooses a hare and uses the same technique of making the hare somewhat ignorant and cocky. Using this writing style effectively makes the fox and the hare the antagonist in the story without specifically portraying them as a ââ¬Å"bad guyâ⬠. They further this technique by having these characters use condescending dialogue in the beginning of the story. Despite the two authors cultural differences, the human qualities of the characters are nearly portrayed identically. The writing style, and technique used by the authors helps us to identify with the characters. It also helps us identify personally with the plot. Both stories have plots that follow the same basic ideas. One animal is different physically from another, so naturally that animal thinks that he is superior the superior creature. They use animals that everyone would consider to be the obvious winners and losers in a race. They portray the animals in a unique way that gives them human qualities that we are familiar with. The underdog is considered the protagonist in these fables and both authors portray them as likely losers in a physical challenge. However, as the story unfolds the obvious winners change due to the negative human qualities the antagonists possess. The messages of the stories are both related to perseverance, and that sometimes being conceded and boastful about your skills can end in disaster. There is also the message that one should not judge others simply by how they look. There are many other interpretations of this story as well, and this just scratches the surface of the symbolism in the two folktales. The messages of the two stories are values that everyone can apply to their daily lives. When the stories reach their conclusions the readers are left with many options on how they choose to interpret the message. The theme of both stories are the same, however the differences allow them to be interpreted many ways. It is mostly agreed upon by literature experts that the message in ââ¬Å"The Tortoise and the Hareâ⬠is that slow and steady wins the race, and taking your time to do things right the first time is worth it. The message in ââ¬Å"The Fox and the Frogâ⬠the message is that it is sometimes better to work smarter, not harder. Both stories share the message that judging others by their appearance is not an intelligent thing to do. They also share the idea that being boastful and conceded can end in embarrassment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
How Is Readability Important To Writability?
How Is Readability Important To Writability? User-defined operator overloading can harm the readability of a program if the user doesnt take into account differences in operands and possible confusion between the function of an operator. Consider if a user defined to mean the logical AND statement in Boolean logic. Someone else might believe to be the address of a variable such as the case in a language like C. It would make the code difficult to understand for a reader as well as make it difficult for a compiler to catch potential errors when the two functions of the get mixed up. What is aliasing? Aliasing is having two or more distinct names that can be used to access the same memory cell. It is useful in that it allows a programmer more freedom to access data but it also can be dangerous in that aliasing can lead to a lot of errors especially if a programmer doesnt do a good job of keeping track of these names or pointers to a memory cells. How is readability important to writability? Readability is important to writability because if a programming language is difficult to read and understand then it can be difficult for a programmer to create new code that might need to interact or use other code. Often times code needs to be modified and if a program is difficult to read then it is difficult to add new code to it. What are the three fundamental features of an object-oriented programming language? The three fundamental features of object-oriented programming are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Encapsulation promotes the concept of information hiding, which is useful because it protects information from being changed or altered by other parts of a program. Inheritance allows one to reuse existing software so it allows significant improvement in productivity. Polymorphism allows data types and function to belong to more generic classes thus allowing for different data types to be processed in a uniform manner. What are three general methods of implementing a programming language? One method is compiler implementation in which programs are translated into machine language. Another method is called pure interpretation in which programs are interpreted by an interpreter. A third implementation method is called a hybrid implementation in which high-level language programs and translated to an intermediate language for easier interpretation. What arguments can you make for the idea of a single language for all programming domains? If there is only a single language for all programming domains this simplifies code and increases readability because everyone would learn the same language and have a common understanding of symbols and functions. There are no additional costs of having to train programmers in multiple languages and software would be easier to integrate since everything would be written in the same language. What arguments can you make against the idea of a single language for all programming domains? Different programming languages have different strengths and weaknesses and using a single language for all programming domains can make things more difficult especially when programming in a different language might be easier and more suitable. For example a functional programming language would be ideal for applying functions to given parameters but not a very good way of representing objects in the real world as opposed to object oriented programming. Some programs are more reliable in that they catch errors but at the cost of execution time and run time speed. Others run quickly and efficiently but are more prone to errors. Having a choice of languages makes accomplishing a certain task easier. What common programming language statement, in your opinion, is most detrimental to readability? One of the most common programming language statements that is detrimental to readability is the conditional statement such as an if, while, etcà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ especially if it involves compound statements and or nested conditionals. I believe this is detrimental because often times conditional statements involve the reader of a code having to scroll up and down to follow what goes next. This is especially true with older languages that use the goto statement or ones that use the break command to leap out of a given conditional statement to a line further down or up. I personally find it even more difficult with nested loop statements because one has to recognize layers of conditionals and even more so in languages like C or Java that use brace marks to end compound statements. Sometimes a reader will forget which loop is running or will have a difficult time debugging when forgets to use a brace mark and the conditional statements overlap. Java uses a right brace to mark the end of all compound statements. What are the arguments for and against this design? One of the arguments for the usage of a right brace mark to end all compound statements is that it keep the syntax simple for compound statements and it saves a programmer time for not having to write extra characters to denote the end of a compound statement. One of the arguments against using braces to end all compound statements in Java is that its more detrimental to readability. Its more difficult to determine which different compound statement (while loop, for loop, à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) is ending if you use a right brace mark to end all of those statements. This can be especially troublesome if you use many different types of multiple compound statements. Languages like Ada dont use right brace marks to end compound statements and that language has greater readability in this case. For example in Ada end if determines the ending of an if statement, and end loop determines the end of a loop. Many languages distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in user-defined names. What are the pros and cons of this design decision? One of the arguments in favor of distinguishing between upper and lowercase letters in user-defined names is that it helps maintain code readability. For example if POINTER, Pointer, and pointer were distinct names that denoted different entities, then it might confuse someone reading the code. One of the cons of languages distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase letters is that it could hurt writability by making it harder for a programmer to code. For example if a programmer used MyString as a user name, then that programmer would have to remember that special case usage since Mystring, and mystring would not be recognized. 10) What are the arguments for writing efficient programs even though hardware is relatively inexpensive? As hardware costs decreased the major cost of computing shifted to programmer costs in software. Programs were being used more and more for larger and more complex tasks and thus having efficiently written programs saved on computing costs. Companies found out that programming language deficiencies such as incomplete type checking and poorly designed control statements led to lower programmer productivity. Write an evaluation of some programming language you know, using the criteria described in this chapter. Readability In terms of readability, Java has some issues with simplicity with respect to readability. There is feature multiplicity in Java as shown in the textbook with the example of count = count + 1, count++, count +=1 and ++count being 4 different ways to increment an integer by 1. Another problem is operator overloading since java allows some operators such as the + sign to add integers, floats, and other number types. One of the good things about Javas overall simplicity is that the basic constructs follows that of the C and C++ family, thus its relatively similar for people who know those languages. Control statements in java have higher readability than old BASIC and Fortran programs because they can use more complex conditionals like for loops. There is no need for goto statements that have the reader leaping to other lines of code that could be far away or out of order. However, the use of braces to designate the starting and stopping points of all compound statements can lead to som e confusion. Java has 8 primitive data types: Boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double and has no pointer types. Data types and structures can be specified to a high degree. Writablity Java has a fair bit of orthogonality in that its primitive constructs can be used in various different ways. Because Java is an imperative language that supports object oriented programming, it can be fairly complex. Java supports data abstraction so it would be easier to create a binary tree in java with its dynamic storage and pointers than in a language like Fortran 77. Java also has a for statement which is easier than using a typical while statement. Java is a high level programming language so specifying details like memory allocation are unnecessary due to javas dynamic array system. Reliablity Java uses a type checker at compile time which virtually eliminates most of the type errors during run time. Its much improved over a program like C especially with respect to allocation and de-allocation of memory. It might be a little more cumbersome to get around the errors of Java but this insures that programmers dont screw up the code and possibly computer like what could happen with an inexperienced programmer in C. Java also has extensive exception handling and can check for and throw for several different documented exceptions. Java restricts the amount of aliasing from its predecessor C to allow for greater reliability. With respect to cost, Java has a fairly extensive library so it can be difficult for people to learn all the aspects of the language. Writing a simple program in Java is rather difficult due to the declaration of the public class and the execution statement public static void main (String[] args) {à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦}. However Javas support of encapsulation allo ws multiple programmers working on a project to collaborate without messing up each others code. Different parts can be designated as public, private, protectedà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ and thus access can be regulated. Java also has a free complier/interpreter system thus it is more widely used than an expensive compiler. Some programming languages, for example, Pascal have used the semicolon to separate statements, while Java uses it to terminate statement. Which of these, in your opinion, is most natural and least likely to result in syntax errors? Support your answer. Personally I feel that Pascals usage of the semicolon to separate statements is rather counterintuitive but possibly its because I learned the usage of the semicolon to terminate statements in C before I learned Pascal. In Pascal one needs to look ahead and identify whether or not the next line is a statement before putting a semicolon. This can be a hassle because requires a programmer to go back and change code before adding new code. For example if use had a program in Pascal that had a simple if statement If x = 0 then Answer:=1; Then in Pascal if you wanted to add an else clause you would have to go back and delete the semicolon because an else clause is not considered a new statement. If x = 0 then Answer:=1 Else Answer:=2; Some Pascal compilers will catch wrongly placed semicolons and declare them as errors. It also means that a programmer needs to be able to recognize what is and what is not a statement thus it hurts writablity. Of course, other requirements in Java such as the usage of parenthesis around the conditional or the usage of braces around the compound statements can also be confusing. However I think its easier to remember not to put a semi-colon after a right brace than it is to have to watch out for not putting it after each statement. The relative consistency of Java is more intuitive than the structure of Pascal.
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